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Thursday, December 11, 2008


Sai Baba seems determined to solve the above question to the satisfaction of innumerable enquiries found here, there and everywhere in the country. It is not merely a question arising from curiosity. It often arises from necessity. Persons there are in thousands who get into trouble and cast their eyes about in every direction in quest of relief. �Is there no God? Is there no Saint? Is there no Mantra? Is there not anything that will come to my resque?� Is that what a person cries out. At such stages when there is some person or other in the neighbourhood connected with Sai Baba, then that person in distress runs up to Sai Baba, with the assurance (born of need) that He is not only living and helpful, but that He is the only person that can help one in such junctures. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that people throughout the country should be kept informed in their own languages or in any common language, English or Hindi, of the fact that Baba is now living and working to benefit all and sundry in a way in which no other person known to us is shown to be working. There is no other person shown to have such chamatkaric superhuman power and intent solely upon benefiting all persons that put their trust in him. Of course, mere chamatkar or magical feats or psychic power, unaccompanied by a noble purpose or by divine qualities is not worth the attention of pious persons intent on achieving their own spiritual welfare. But supranormal events always draw the attention of the educated and cultured classes and of others. So, without further excuse, we shall proceed to describe and narrate various circumstances and events which carry conviction to the mind of even the dullest that Baba is living, is powerful, is beneficent and is just the divine person that one needs in any juncture.

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